20 Japanese verb chart for beginners
20 Japanese verb chart for beginners
Let’s learn basic Japanese verb! These verbs are Ninja’s actions but commonly used in life although we can’t use stars to kill an enemy..
Japanese verb ends with -u sound like たべる taberu, あそぶ asobu, かく kaku.
They change the form along with grammar like たべる taberu, たべない tabenai (negative), たべます tabemasu (polite), etc. Check here for verb’s change.
日本語の動詞は たべる、あそぶ、のように語尾が -u の音で終わります。下の絵はニンジャくんの動作ですが私たちの生活でも使えるので覚えてください。さすがに手裏剣はなげないけどね•••!
501 Japanese Verbs (Barron’s Foreign Language Guides)
- しゅりけんをなげる shuriken wonageru / to throw stars
- いしのうえにすわる ishi no ue ni suwaru / to sit on a stone
- ごはんをたべる gohan wo taberu / to eat rice
- 昼までねる hiru made neru / to sleep until noon
東京喰種 Tokyo Ghoul is popular Manga/anime. Ghoul is a creature like human but they eat people. It is so exciting for me. I live in Japan but we do’nt eat people…
わたしは東京にすんでいるが人間は食べない。watashi wa tokyo ni sundeiruga ningen wa tabenai.
I live in Tokyo but I don’t eat people.
ごはんをたべる。gohan wo taberu.
I eat rice.
4じまでまってください。yoji made matte kudasai.
Please wait until 4.
Verb + kure/kudasai => Commands form
よくまなび、よくあそべ!yoku manabi yoku asobe!
Study hard, play hard! (All work and no play makes a Jack a dull boy.)
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