Ramen & Sushi Forever!
Ramen らーめん Ramen is Japanese popular noodles which come from China and grew in Japan. They have popular four soup Shio, Tonkotsu, Shouyu and Miso. しお shio salt とんこつ tonkotsu pork bone しょうゆ shouyu soy sauce みそ miso
Ramen らーめん Ramen is Japanese popular noodles which come from China and grew in Japan. They have popular four soup Shio, Tonkotsu, Shouyu and Miso. しお shio salt とんこつ tonkotsu pork bone しょうゆ shouyu soy sauce みそ miso
Katakana Chart | カタカナ カタカナKatakana (wiki) is Japanese alphabet which has 46 letters. Katakana can be used for words which come from foreign countries. For example, basketball = バスケットボール, coffee = コーヒー, hotel = ホテル. For example, Tea has Japanese …
おつかれさまです – Japanese Business Greetings おつかれさまです otsukare sama desu Thank you for your hard work いつもおせわになっております itsumo osewani natteorimasu. I am very grateful to you. おさきにしつれいします osakini shitsurei shimasu. I’ll see you. “おつかれさまです お疲れ様です Otsukare sama desu” is used when …
I’m Sorry.. ごめんなさい ごめんなさい gomennasai I’m sorry. すいません suimasen I’m sorry. もうしわけありません moushiwake arimasen I’m sorry (polite) ごめんなさい, Gomennasai, is the most popular phrase to say sorry to friends or family in causal situation. すいません Suimasen is more polite than …
Greetings when you say thank you ありがとうございます arigatou gozaimasu Thank you. どういたしまして Douitashimashite You’re welcome. ありがとう, Arigatou, is used when people appreciates someone. We also say サンキュー which is katakana of “Thank you”. The formal usage is this below. Play …